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There are several kinds of medical masks

2020-06-22 16:25:30

There are several kinds of medical masks



1. Ordinary medical masks

Ordinary medical masks are commonly used gauze masks, with four-layer, eight-layer, and sixteen-layer specifications. It complies with the relevant registered product standards (YZB), and generally lacks the filtration efficiency requirements for particles and bacteria, or the filtration efficiency requirements for particles and bacteria are lower than medical surgical masks and medical protective masks.

The protective effect of ordinary medical masks on pathogenic microorganisms is not precise, and can be used for a sanitary care in ordinary environments, or to block or protect particles other than pathogenic microorganisms such as pollen.

2. Medical surgical mask

Masks are suitable for the basic protection of medical personnel or related personnel, as well as protection against the spread of blood, body fluids and splashes during invasive operations. They meet the technical requirements of YY0469-2011 medical surgical masks. The technical indicators include filtration efficiency, bacterial filtration efficiency and Respiratory resistance:

3. Medical protective mask

Medical protective masks are also known as medical N95 masks. The masks are suitable for medical staff and related staff to protect against airborne respiratory infectious diseases. The protection level is high; it meets the technical requirements of GB19083-2010 medical protective masks. The technical indicators include non-oily particles. Filter efficiency and airflow resistance.

The price of medical masks is cheap, depending on their ingredients, the price generally ranges from a few cents to tens of yuan. The price of ordinary medical masks is 0.5 yuan/piece, the price of medical surgical masks is 1~5 yuan/piece, and medical protective masks are 18 yuan/piece. To avoid the safety of masks, buy medical masks from legally operated pharmacies or obtain a health permit Or the manufacturer or agent of the medical device registration certificate.

This article's website:http://en.hnjianqi.com/news/441.html
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