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Please wear a medical protective mask

2020-06-22 16:16:40

Please wear a medical protective mask



What is the difference between ordinary medical masks and medical protective masks, let the editor of medical mask manufacturers take you to understand:

Ordinary medical masks have many names. Medical masks without the words "protection" and "surgical" in the name are all ordinary medical masks. This level of masks does not require blood barrier function, nor does it have tightness requirements. Therefore, it is only used in general medical environments. Common common medical masks are mostly ear-hook type, and their appearance is similar to ear-hook surgical masks.

In addition to good filter materials, protective masks should also have good shape design and nose clip design. The better the mask fits the wearer's face, the better the protective effect, which can prevent pollutants from entering the mouth and nose from the edges of the mask, especially the gaps on both sides of the nose. Therefore, when wearing a mask, the nose clip at the bridge of the nose should be pressed tightly, and the length of the mask strap should be adjusted appropriately so that the mask fits the face as much as possible.

When wearing medical masks, choose the appropriate level type according to the type of pollutant transmission and risk, not too high or too low. Although medical protective masks with high protection levels have better protective effects, because of the high level of filter material, good adhesion, and higher respiratory resistance, wearing them for a long time will increase the respiratory burden and cause breathing difficulties and other discomforts. Medical surgical masks and medical protective masks can block the pollution caused by blood and body fluid splashing, but if you really need to block the pollution of airborne particles and pathogenic microorganisms, please choose to wear medical protective masks.

This article's website:http://en.hnjianqi.com/news/434.html


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