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What are the protective properties of medical protective masks?

2020-06-22 16:14:11

What are the protective properties of medical protective masks?



What are the protective properties of medical protective masks? Today's small series of medical protective masks will introduce you to the following:

Medical protective masks have the protective properties of surgical masks and particulate matter protective masks. In use, protective masks that can filter particles in the air and block droplets, blood, body fluids and secretions are also class II medical device products, which must comply with the mandatory standard gb19083-2010.

The first edition of gb19083 was formulated urgently during the outbreak of SARS in 2003, and the old version was revised in 2010. Gb19083 has clear requirements on the filtration efficiency and tightness of masks, which is similar to gb2626-2006; medical protective masks are also surgical masks, so it is not allowed to set exhalation valve to prevent the droplets generated by the wearer from polluting the surgical wound through the expiratory valve;

It is only a habit of the medical industry to use the blue-green color on the surface of many medical protective masks. However, the materials on the outer surface of the masks can block the splashing of body fluids. In this regard, non-medical particulate matter protective masks are usually not considered.

The above is the protective performance of the respirator, hope to help you!

This article's website:http://en.hnjianqi.com/news/432.html
Previous:Why wear medical protective masks2020-06-22 16:08:36


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